Gemas – Johor Bahru

Electrified Double Track (EDT) Project: System Works

The Gemas-Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track (EDT) Project is the final stretch of the existing Keretapi Tanah Melayu Bhd (KTMB) network to be upgraded from a single track to an electrified double track and, once complete, there will be a continuous connection running from the southern tip of the peninsula all the way to Padang Besar at the Thai border.

  • Year of Commencement: 2019
  • Project Type: Project Management
  • Status: Ongoing

About this Project

The RM 9.5 billion, 192km Gemas-Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track (EDT) project will increase train speeds from Johor Bahru to Gemas, enabling journeys from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Baharu within less than 4 hours. The project completion is scheduled for 2023 while the first sections will be available in 2022.

The Project is touted as a catalyst that will spur economic development in the central part of Johor. Once operational, residents living in towns along the route will be able to commute daily to Johor Bahru. This transport option would be increasingly attractive if KTMB decides to provide hourly or half-hourly commuter services, similar to the KTMB Komuter services on offer in the Klang Valley and between northern Perak and Perlis. Drawing reference from completed EDTP projects, the KTMB Northern Commuter has a daily ridership of 16,000.

    Picture of Gemas - Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track Map

    Illustration from: KTMB

    With the upgrades, the line’s freight capacity would also expand considerably. An electrified and double-tracked railway network between Gemas and Johor Bahru would also facilitate large-scale cargo shipments between Malaysia’s two largest ports Port Klang near Kuala Lumpur and Tanjung Pelepas west of Johor Bahru.

    Upon completion, KTMB will operate the electric train service (ETS) with a maximum speed of 140km/h with an average traveling speed of around 100km/h. Consequently, traveling time between Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru will be shortened from the current seven hours to four hours. The ETS will provide an attractive alternative to express buses, which currently requires four-and-a-half hours to travel between the two cities even without traffic congestion.

    Picture of Gemas - Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track

    Progress picture for illustration purposes only, does not represent the actual state and / or design of the building.

    Our role in the Electrified Double Track (EDT) project

    PMCC has been appointed as a System Project Management Consultant by the SIPP-YTL joint venture, the design, and build contractor assigned to the project by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia.

    As the System Project Management Consultant, we provide:

    Picture of PMCC team at one of the Gemas - Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track Stations
    • Project Management
    • Risk Management
    • System Integration
    • Interface Management
    • System Assurance
    • Change Management

    Throughout the entire Gemas-Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track (EDT) project.

    The PMCC Team is highly dedicated to delivering this project together with all the other team members as a national key element to boost the economy through public transport for the people of Malaysia. Our expertise in Railway Systems is most welcome by all stakeholders in the project and we cover many topics even beyond the contractual obligations.

    What we can do for your projects

    Being involved in numerous mega projects since 2007, the PMCC team bags vast experience not only from a technical aspect with all the integration, complexity, and interfacing, it is also from the human aspect to consider performing over a long period with many different stakeholders. We are driven by values and purpose and bring exceptional motivation, knowledge, and experience to the table. We are flexible and independent with software solutions, contract models, contractors, and suppliers. Additional to our expertise, we also do knowledge transfer by mentoring, coaching, and training our clients to enable their teams to grow with the processes we apply and eventually run future projects on their own.


    Call us for a discussion about your project to see the way forward together as a team.

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