“Numerous publications by global consultant companies including PMI® the Project Management Institute clearly predict the future of work is project based.”
It is our pleasure to welcome you to our new website and article section with the theme:
“The PMCC Future of Project Management”
We have experienced a dramatic shift over the last two years and with this quantum leap into the digital future and remote team work is now evident. Numerous publications by global consultant companies including PMI® the Project Management Institute clearly predict the future of work is project based.
Projects, rather than operations, are driving short-term survival and long-term value creation today and tomorrow. Organizations of all kinds are running more projects than ever before. Everyone involved in projects at all levels of organizations—employees, managers, project managers, senior leaders, and CEOs—must understand this shift as they select, prioritize, and execute these projects.
But especially the engineering and construction business works so much on traditional principles while we are talking of implementing AI into project management. In PMCC we believe that technology plays an important role in the future of project management, yet, it is just one out of 3 key elements:
Demand for Project Management Skills
It is true, a lot of companies have implemented online learning for their teams. But the change to more projectized business models will require many more project managers and that’s the reason for the huge demand in project management skills. The good news, we in PMCC have these highly skilled and experienced people already available to help Customers with their projects as an outsourcing model. But we also train the teams of our Customers with project management skills to improve the overall efficiency and quality of the project outcomes.
From our experience, it is not just the project management certification, it is to pick up the people where they are as administrators, engineers etc and teach self management, self leadership, communication and project management skills and blend it with on the job learning in a real project. We have been able to do this via our online platform over the last years and it has been proven successful during the pandemic. Now, it is for us to enhance our consulting processes and add more online trainings.

Management Towards Specialised Leadership for Complex Projects
Leadership, especially during this pandemic is no doubt one of the key ingredients for any business. It is to keep the teams motivated, to stay positive and take action for the necessary measures and changes. For me, this is a standard interaction between leadership and management where visions and concepts are created by leaders while the managers implement the designs and detailed plannings.
It is an iterative exchange from working ON the system and IN the system which is in combination of essence for successful projects. However, additional leadership skills are required for now and the future to cope with complexity not just of the technical nature of the projects but as well complex systems and interactions with a fast changing environment, rules and regulations, and the people working in it. For me personally, it is also to challenge the status quo and break out of what we learnt how to do things. Yes, it is a risk. But it is also risky to continue the “old ways”. It is therefore a walk on a cliff and balancing between the extra leadership and the risks it may brings to do things, never done before.
The third element is AUTOMATION. A great example of automation is manufacturing and the assembly lines of automobiles. For project management, a lot of changes occurred by the evolving standards and guidelines over the past 20 years. I could witness the improvements on the implementation of lifecycles and processes especially with multiple projects at hand. Also, over the past 20 years, project management software has been developed and never before we had so many tools and apps like now. The question is now, what is the best app to use… and how to get the team to collaborate using the same app.

Over the past few years a strange thing happened. Company policies about data protection and email monitoring for internal and external communication have been implemented. Yet, we see a lot of projects are managed by WhatsApp. Communication, snapshots and meeting info and file exchange is happening informally over WhatsApp. In many cases it is of course convenient, but also dangerous as actions are lost, not followed up or internal information shared to non-qualified recipients. The industry is talking about Artificial Intelligence while the crowd is using a non-secure platform for a great deal of daily project coordination.
Only with these 3 elements above we opened a big platform for discussion and it is obvious that we have a lot to share how we manage projects in the near future and what makes the difference from project management how we know it today to how we do it in 10 years to succeed with extra leadership, additional skills and new technology.
Stay tuned with THE PMCC FUTURE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, premium content relevant for the project industry over the next 10 years and beyond, implementing Industry 4.0 and future trends into daily project management.
Thank you for being here and we hope you gained some new insights and ideas for your own situation and a positive outlook for the future. Your comments are very much welcome for discussion and future postings.
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Unit 611, 6th floor, Block C, Phileo Damansara 1, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia