PMCC BrainHuddle™ 7, 2023: BIM, Digital Twins, AI - Are Construction Firms Really Winning the Digital Race? Are you an architect, contractor, engineer, or owner struggling to integrate Building Information Modeling (BIM) into your operations? Are you wondering whether...
PMCC BrainHuddle™ 5, 2023: Contracts Administration — Performing Your Obligations, Protecting Your Rights
The Struggles with Construction Contracts Administration Are you tired of the complexity and confrontational nature of construction projects? Do you feel weighed down by the enormity of contract obligations and the fight to protect your rights? You're not alone....
PMCC BrainHuddle™ 4: How AI is Revolutionising Project Management
About the webinar Are you eager to discover how AI and new technologies are revolutionising the field of project management? The integration of AI, along with smart construction sites, predictive maintenance (IoT devices), and AI-driven project management, promises to...
BrainHuddle™ 3, 2023: Fire Risks Management for Business Continuity
About the webinar In today's world, safety and risk management are more critical than ever, and it is imperative to have a proper understanding of fire risks and hazards. The modern built environment has evolved to include high-rise complexes due to land cost, with...
BrainHuddle™ 1, 2023 – Designing for Accessibility and How it Impacts Construction Costs and Time
About the webinar Universal design refers to thoughtful design for physical, learning and work environments so that they are usable by a wide range of people, regardless of age, size or disability status. It not only promotes access for individuals with disabilities,...
BrainHuddle™ 9, 2022: Constructing Your Future
About the webinar Whether you are a fresh graduate who wants to learn about your career prospects, or an individual looking to explore job opportunities in the construction industry, navigate your career by joining this BrainHuddle™ session. In this forum-style...
BrainHuddle™ 8, 2022: Injunction on Performance Bond
About the webinar In this month's BrainHuddle session, our speaker: Lee Kong Han LLB (Hons) London; LLM (Cambridge); CLP; Adjudicator (AIAC); Mediator (AIAC); RICS Accredited Mediator, will be presenting the topic: Injunction on Performance Bond. How can an Employer...
BrainHuddle™ 7: Stakeholder Management – A Critical Necessity in Everything You Do
About the webinar This 26th August 2022, learn stakeholder management from Natasha Zulkifli (Stakeholder Director of YTL Construction) in our 7th BrainHuddle™ webinar of the year: Stakeholder Management – A Critical Necessity in Everything You Do, a collaborative...
PMCC BrainHuddle™ 3, 2022: Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
People make snap decisions about people, as quickly as 30 millisecondsThis instinctual reaction can greatly influence how we respond to new people or even people we currently are in contact with. This is because, these unconscious decisions about someone’s character...